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Who is the "greatest" Martial Artist is a matter of opinion, and many people have their favorites. There could be a lengthy debate as to what makes a person "great." Is it their ability to fight in a ring, act in a movie, teach in a class, kill in combat, or to live in peace and harmony while maintaining a restrained self-control over deadly skills. A true Martial Artist is one who seeks to be highly proficient at unarmed combat (and some include weaponry), in order to honorably defend the innocent, and fight for justice while living a fulfilled life under a code of moral and ethical conduct. The greatest Martial Artists of all time are most likely people of whom you have never heard their name. A genuine Martial Art Master is humble, and would not desire to be put on a pedestal above all others, and would decline such a title.

Some people who have gained fame are more actors than Martial Artists, while some are both. Many perceived great fighters are athletes playing a game under a set of rules. If there is a referee, some techniques are not permitted, and deadly force is not allowed, then it is a sport, and not truly Martial Art combat. A Martial Artist has the option, and the skill to end a life in self defense, but only does so when absolutely necessary. Some athletes who compete in Martial Art tournaments might also be genuine Martial Artists, but the outcome of a game does not necessarily accurately reflect genuine skill in life-or-death combat, and many athletes have their training toned down or limited because of the rules and environment in which they compete (even mma and cage fighting).

The greatest warrior is the one who wins the battle without a single blow.

(supervisor's note: The list of names for personal favorites could go on and on, and are mostly based on opinions. Please use the discussion page to promote the reputation of anyone you feel deserves to be mentioned.)

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