The Japanese refer to Gichin Funikoshi as the Father of Karate. He created Shotokan karate in Japan. He was from Okinawa and brought Shorin Ryu karate over to them.
Modern Karate
The Courtship of Eddie's Father - 1969 The Karate Story 3-16 was released on: USA: 12 January 1972
Carlos Ray Norris aka Chuck Norris did not invent Karate. He does not even train in Karate. Chuck Norris trains and holds a masters rank in Tang Soo Do, a Korean form of martial art that has some roots to Shotokan Karate through General Choi, who was the founder of Tae Kwon Do. Chuck Norris mixed Tang Soo Do with Brazilian Jui Jutsu to create Chun Kuk Do, his own martial art. Karate is an Okinawa Martial Art and was popularized in Japan in the early 1920's by Gichin Funakoshi who is credited as the Father of Modern Karate Do. Chuck Norris never invented Karate, nor did he invent a new system of Karate. Contrary to urban legends, Chuck Norris did not invent karate. He learned Tang So Do, a Korean style of karate, while stationed in that country with the US Air Force.
Galileo is known as the Father of Modern Astronomy, the Father of Modern Science, and the Father of Modern Physics. He is not None for anything.
Leonardo da Vinci is the father of modern helicopters.ANS 2 - Igor Sikosrki is the father of modern helicopters.
The father of modern Culinary is Auguste Escoffier.
The "Father of the Modern Skyscraper" was Louis Sullivan.
Antoine Lavoisier is considered the father of modern chemistry.
The "Father of the Modern Skyscraper" was Louis Sullivan.
No 'father of modern science' shouldn't be capitalized.
Sir Ambrose Fleming: Father of Modern Electronics
The "Father of the Modern Skyscraper" was Louis Sullivan.