Fellow pro wrestler John Toland who is currently working for RIng of Honor.
Jillian Hall's birth name is Jillian Faye Fletcher.
Jillian Hall was born on September 6, 1980.
Jillian Hall was born on September 6, 1980.
In 2009, Jillian became engaged to professional wrestler John Toland, who she met when they were both training at Ohio Valley Wrestling.There has been no word of marriage mentioned this year.
Jillian Hall is 36 years old (born Jillian Fletcher, September 6, 1980).
Jillian Hall goes by Macaela Mercedes, and The Bombshell.
Jillian Faye Fletcher (Jillian Hall) was born on September 6, 1980 in Ashland, Kentucky.
Her real name is Jillian Hall she legally changed when she was 19.
No jillian hall is not in smackdown vs raw 2010
no Jillian is happily married and expecting her first baby