the hulk
LOL - Not the Hulk! The flying drop kick was being used by Pro Wrestlers in the 1950s (and probably earlier), long before the Hulk came along. It is not known who invented it, but many wrestlers have used it over the past century.
yes a heel drop is a wrestling move.
Gilbert wagseschnider invented the drop saw
he has the scorpion death drop and the scorpion death lock
Donald Brown invented the drop ceiling, he passed away in a fatal crash 1-18-10, orginially from Vermilion, Ohio
Flying Wild Alaska - 2011 Prop Drop and Ball 2-11 was released on: USA: 6 January 2012
there are lots of take downs for wrestling... but one of my personal favourites is the drop toe hold. its when you drag someone down by the bottom of their ankle with only using your feet. if you want to learn more about drop toe haolds go on youtube and type in john cena drop toe hold. im saying john cena because he does the stfu after he does a drop toe hold
Bill Gates invented microsoft, he was a college drop out and now lives somewhere in Washington.
Andrew and paul gower, the makers of runescape
My grandfather John Joseph Rogers invented the drop side cot. It was displayed in Lewis's window in Manchester with a photo of a baby in the cot .This baby was my Aunt Florrie born 1900
In future - maybe but I don't think so. In the past - it was called WWF - World Wrestling Federation. There were some legal proceedings raised against world wrestling federation as a result of which they had to drop the "F" from their acronym name. so, they renamed themselves as World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
A lot of flying type pokemon can use it. One that I know can is Brivary. (probably misspelled)
No, poop does not fly among us. It is contained within our bodies and is disposed of in a sanitary manner through the process of defecation.