There is no one person who is recorded as the inventor of sumo Wrestling, as it is an ancient Japanese sport that traces back centuries with no record of its originators. Professional sumo, which can still be seen today, can trace its roots back to the Edo Period in Japan's history, which lasted from 1603 to 1868. The first professional sumo tournaments were held in 1684. It is believed that professional sumo wrestling came about as an alternate source of income for the samurai.
sumo wrestling is what they do i japan sumo wrestling is what they do in japan
sumo wrestling... check it out on wikipedia.
Sumo is a Japanese sport, no a Chinese sport. Sumo Wrestling in China, has therefore a limited following.
What English-speakers think of when they say "sumo" (i.e. heavyset men wrestling) is also called "sumo" in Japanese. Basically, sumo is sumo!
It is a very important part of Japanese culture. The high ranking sumo are big celebrities.
Sumo Wresting is the most famous sport in Japan.
There are Chinese Sumo wrestlers. Those that make the most money are wrestling in Japan.
Sumo wrestling
Baseball and Sumo wrestling are several spectator sports the Japanese people engage in .
The highest rank in sumo wrestling is 'yokozuna'.
It is wrestling cuz its called sumo wrestling
i think one of them are sumo wrestling i don't know the other two?