

Who has pinned the undertaker?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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14y ago

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Many people.

  1. Batista
  2. Triple H
  3. Big Show
  4. The Great Khali
  5. Edge
  6. etc
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14y ago
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Q: Who has pinned the undertaker?
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Yes he pinned mark Henry after last ride out of the corner.

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No, in fact The Shield defeated both Team Hell No and The Undertaker on RAW on 22nd April. However, Daniel Bryan was the man who was pinned.

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Uhhmm nope whats gonna happen is either undertaker wont fight HBK or that undertaker will win. If Undertaker does lose however it will most likely be a triple threat match (most likely with Triple H) and undertaker isn't the one who gets pinned. The thing is it ends his winning streak with a really cheap ending. If taker loses he will most likely retire.

Getting pinned in softball?

Getting pinned in softball means to get pinned up in the fence by the other team.

What is the past tense of pin?

The past tense of "pin" is "pinned."

What is the past tense of the verb pin?

pinned [to pin, have pinned]

How do you use the word pinned in sentence?

She pinned the flower to his lapel. They pinned the dress up to allow her to walk through the grass without getting stains on it.

Who won the smackdown elimnation chamber last night?

chris Jericho won the smackdown elimination chamber match because Shawn michaels came out from under the ring and did sweet chin music to the undertaker and then chris Jericho pinned then won

How do you make sentence of pinned?

My mother had pinned my dress after it had being ripped