Jeff hardy
Matt hardy
Tommy dreamer
William regal
jimmy wang yang
shannon Moore
mr. Kennedy
low ki (khaval)
many more..........
I don't know if this counts but Dolph Ziggler temporarily got fired, so did Edge, and last year so did Undertaker. But now they are all back. Shawn Michaels is gone but I don't think it was being fired so much as he was retiring
Neither, because she got fired recently. No she did not get fired!!! She asked for her release big difference, she has other intrests than wrestling.
He is currently not wrestling because he is working on a movie called Behind Enemy Lines 2. He is set to return some time in 2009 Wwe-Caleb-09he was recently fired
No,it is just a storyline.
Bull Buchanan has recently been wrestling in All Japan Pro Wrestling with the likes of Taka Michinoku. Although he recently wrestled a WWE Dark Match, in a losing effort against Henry Godwinn.
no. if gunpowder residue is on your clothes than someone or you had to have fired or recently handeled the fired gun while in that clothing
those who have been recently widowed, fired, or divorced are more vulnerable to disease.
YES Jeff hardy was fired for using drugs
Recently, Wrestling reentered the Olympics
Melina, DH Smith, and Vladimir Koslov
People have stated that he is a nice guy, although recently he has been in trouble with the police in America.
it is very difficult considering the barrel could have been replaced but usely there is some wear on the inside
Yes. Cordite is part of gunpowder so any recently fired gun will smell like cordite