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According to the documentary "The Unreal Story Of Professional Wrestling" as narrated by comic Steve Allen; A drunken sports reporter from the New York Times, ran the results of the wrestling matches for that Saturday, on the Friday before, thereby exposing to the fans of pro-wrestling that the matches were pre determined........WHOOPS!!!

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Q: Who first exposed pro wrestling as pre determined?
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Wrestling is the oldest sport..... Ancient Egypt followed by the Greeks Wrestled. (not talking about the "fake: or rather pre-practiced, pre-determined wrestling such as the WWE) They Wrestled to determine military & personal strength without significant harm.

is pro wrestling considered a sport?

It's more-so considered "sports-entertainment." The results of who wins are always pre-determined, however the activity of the actual "Wrestling" is very vigorous and requires a tremendous amount of athletic ability.

Are tna matches pre determined?

Yes because only certain nucleotides code for certain specific amino acids. yes all wrestling has a predetermined winner

Is Pro Wrestling considered a legit sport?

It's more-so considered "sports-entertainment." The results of who wins are always pre-determined, however the activity of the actual "wrestling" is very vigorous and requires a tremendous amount of athletic ability.

Is impact wrestling real?

All pro wrestling is scripted. The matches are pre- determined and the moves are rehearsed before the event. Regardless, pro wrestlers are tremendous athletes who are extremely tough and some of those moves can cause serious injury or even death.

WWE wrestling is real?

WWE is considered sports "entertainment" or professional wrestling. The company includes scripted storylines, segments and pre-determined matches. The wrestling is for the most part fake, but they make it look real as much as possible. However that doesn't mean the wrestlers don't get hurt, injured or bloodied by mistake.

Who created Wrestling?

Well No One Really Started Professional Wrestling , It Started in The Early 1920s , It Began From Fighting , Only Slamming Their Opponents To The Ground.No One Started Wrestling , Wrestling Started Its selfThe Greeks, the started wrestling in the olyimpics in Olympiya

Is wrestling like the WWE real?

WWE is considered sports "entertainment" or professional wrestling. The company includes scripted storylines, segments and pre-determined matches. The wrestling is for the most part fake, but they make it look real as much as possible. However that doesn't mean the wrestlers don't get hurt, injured or bloodied by mistake.

When you are in OVW what do you do and do you get paid for wrestling?

you really wrestle them (not fake) and yes First I would like to assure that pro wrestling isn't fake by the way it sounds from many moaners. Basically sports entertainment era was produced upon the excitement of wrestling, with that started gimmicks and storylines weekly being watched on each episode. These storylines are offcourse fake and are not from real life, but was then extended by people on that it is totally fake. I spent upon two years in NWA Florida after 6 months period in Ohio Valley Wrestling, and the real point is that nearly 27% of the matches are pre-determined but on most top card matches the match is open. Alot would disagree but if you had a title match or a top card match the winner is not pre-determined. But whether determined or not, the fighting we wrestlers have inside the ring is totally real. When ur match is pre-determined who is going to be the winner, each wrestler applies his own way on using which move but at end u have to loose if you are told to loose. In the Ohio Valley we get paid per match and a range is placed in the contract that you would sign.

Do wrestling is true?

Wrestling is staged. Meaning that it's pre-determined but a lot of the things you see are real (i.e. Mick Foley getting thrown of the Cell, he really did go though a table and it really did hurt but it was planned beforehand.)

Is WWE is real are not?

WWE is considered sports "entertainment" or professional wrestling. The company includes scripted storylines, segments and pre-determined matches. The wrestling is for the most part fake, but they make it look real as much as possible. However that doesn't mean the wrestlers don't get hurt, injured or bloodied by mistake.

Is tna wrestling on septemper 9th 2010?

no the show was pre-empted