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Q: Who do you talk to to get to Rock isle?
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Who do you talk to in order to get to rock isle?

You talk to Bailey on Lilac isle. Make sure you map her before you head to her isle, she wanders!

In HorseIsle how can you get to rock isle?

Talk to Mr Tuttle on Turtle Isle and he will send you to Lilac Isle. When you are on Lilac Isle you need to find Bailey. When you have found Bailey she will send you to Rock Isle.

Where is the best place on HorseIsle to sell diamond necklaces?

Rock Isle is the best place to sell jewels, gems, necklaces, ores, and such. To Get To Rock Isle: 1. Go to Turtle Isle 2. Talk to Mr. Tuttle 3. He will send you to Lilac Isle 4. Look for Bailey on Lilac Isle 5. Talk to Bailey 6. She will send you to Rock Isle

Where is Isleen on HorseIsle?

Aesop- Talk to Fitzgerald, the only resident of Dust Isle. Ardent- Take the boat from Palm Isle. Atropos- Take the boat from Palm Isle. Bone Isle- Talk to Hudson in Shellton. Cloud Isle- Have 75 percent of quests finished (plus the award). Then take 3 giant coconuts to Winchell on Jungle Isle. Cresent- Talk to Demetrius in Witherton. Dust Isle- Talk to Dusty. Located on the 3rd isle in the line of Sand Isles. Eldorado- Talk to Hudson in Shellton. He'll send you to Sara on Bone Isle. She'll send you to Eldorado. Haven Isle- Talk to the dock owner in Shellton. Hotzeplotz- Talk to Grey Slate in Carrotton. Lava Isle-Talk to Diedra on Hoof Isle. You will need 25 quest points (plus the award) and 5 wildflowers. Lilac Isle- Talk to Mr. Tuttle in Shellton. Loch Isle- Talk to the fish store owner in Treeton. Mare Isle- Talk to Temperence in Treeton. Neverending Isles- Take the Luck Dragon by the house on the beach West of Shellton. Nonesuch Isle- Talk to Ruthie on Haven Isle Palm Isle- Dig in the north-west corner of Mare Isle. Paradise Isle- Talk to Robin on Rider Isle. Pirate Isle- Have 50 percent of quests completed (plus the award). Then take 2 pearls to the rowboat on Bird Isle or the one on Saddle Isle. Puuhona- Talk to Barret on Tail at the General store. Quiet Isle- Talk to Galvin in Muzzle Forest. Rock Isle- Talk to Mr. Tuttle in Shellton. He'll send you to Bailey on Lilac (you have to search for her). She'll send you to Rock Isle. Rain Isle - Talk to the rock shop owner on Vine Isle Rule Isle- Have to be sent there by a mod and you get muted for 20min from global. Sand Isle- Take the boat from the dock on the north western side of Desert Isle. Shimmer- Take the boat from Palm Isle. Spice- Talk to Minnie in Treeton Spirit Isle- Can only get there by renting a Pegasus. Theobroma Isle - Talk to King Phil on Hotzeplotz Isle. Torrid Isle - Take the boat from either Desert Isle or Hoof Isle. Vine Isle - Take the boat from Jungle Isle See related links below for a sorted list of Isle Directions. Note that you have to register on the site to see the Isle Directions page.

How do you get to rock isle in HorseIsle?

First you need to talk to Mr. Tuttle in Shelton on Turtle Isle and he will send you to Bailey on Lilac Isle. Bailey will send you to Rock Isle. TIP: Bailey wanders her isle, so map her in the library before heading to Lilac Isle. Like this tip? Visit for more help like this!

How do you get to Lilac Isle?

Talk to Mr. Tuttle, who lives just north of Shellton (on Turtle Isle). He will send you to Lilac Isle.If you want to get to Rock Isle, make sure you map Bailey first!

Is rock isle the smallest isle?


How do you get to Magma Isle on horseIsle?

Talk to Patsy on Lava Isle. He will send you to Igneous Isle. Then talk to Cupid. He sends you to Venus on Magma Isle.

Where are the golden sheep at on HorseIsle?

The Golden Sheeps are on Hotzeplotz Isle, Crescent Isle, Tail Isle, and another isle that starts with a A.... Ardent or the other that you can go to by the boat on palm isle!-RescuePets from Bay ServerHint: When you find one of the golden sheeps, it will not come BACK TO YOU! Talk to that person on Eldorado Isle, he'll tell you to get 4 apple treats for the sheep! Good luck*The sheep IS on Ardent.-LimePudding from Brown Server

Where to you get the key of blue mountain cave north mine of Horse Isle 2?

Talk to the owner of the AngleTon Rock Shop.

How do you get to Igneous Isle?

Talk to Patsy on Lava Isle. He will send you to Igneous Isle.

How much do diamonds go for on rock isle on horseisle?

Diamonds sell for $4,750 at the Rock Isle Rock Shop.