Vitali Klitschko is 39, and WBF heavyweight titleholder Evander Holyfield is 47.
Champions Forever Boxing - 1991 VG is rated/received certificates of: USA:E
Mrs Dettloff
Champions Forever Boxing - 1991 VG was released on: USA: 1 November 1991
Evander Holyfield!!!
Richard Gunn , featherweight he was 37 years old and the oldest man to win an Olympic boxing crown ever.
Boxing champions will hire a nutritionist who will compose a diet which is tailored to the athelete's personal requirements. It will be a balanced, highly nutritious diet probably based on a high protien low fat concept.
Many boxing World Champions were jailed in the 90s, but you're probably asking about Mike Tyson.
maybe Mexico?
Tacoma, Washington.
Mexico: 9 puerto rico: 0, current boxing world champions... Here is a list of total (although this list is from 2010):