Triple H torn his right quad at the 2007 edition of New Year's Revolution in a match against Rated RKO(Edge and Randy Orton).
As of October 2010,i wouldn't have thought so being as he is injured.
As of late 2011, HHH is injured, so Vince McMahon annnounced that VP John Laurinaitis (Johnny Ace) is the "interim general manager" of RAW.
He is currently out because he was injured by Sheamus this is a storyline he really is taking time off and will be back soon.
Nah They Were Once When They Beat Jeri show But Now Michaels Is Gone And HHH Is Injured.
h h h
The previous answer was total toss; HBK is retired, Y2J is touring and will return; and no one knows about HHH. He's re-injured himself but that was a while ago; it's fair to say he could be entry number 30 in 2011' Royal Rumble
Nothing remains forever . Every thing vanishes with crushing pressure of time. he can't maintain his performance after some years. when his body forces him he'll leave wwe. but he'll definatley be in hall of fame
yes he did because,Randy Orton got a sludge hammer and tried to attack hhh with it but hhh reversed it and did the punt kick whatever he calls it while randy was getting the hammer but out of nowhere hhh used the punt on the legend killer,hhh picked up orton and when randy was dizzy hhh ran and hit the hammer or should i say he driiled it on ortons shoulder and that where orton got serously injured in the past and the present and hhh hid hammer inside the blanket of the ring and picked up randy and deliverd the pedigree and got the pin 1...2...3...
PPV are supposed to be paid. PPV defines as Pay Per View.
Define PPV
Actually, yes they have. I even have a few pictures where they kissed. Nothing too much though, just tap kisses. And HHH has even openly admitted to being bisexual (not directly, but what happened was that he was doing commentary alongside J.R. at a ppv a long time ago and they were next to the spanish commentators table and HHH was mocking them and J.R. asked HHH is he was bilingual, to which HHH replied "I'm 'bi' a lot of things, but lingual's not one of them." Than as if in shock he finished by saying "Hey, wait a minute...did I just mean to say that?" Lol
HHH Okay?