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Kung-fu was originated in china and over 200,000,000 people practice it today.

Shaolin Kung Fu and its varioius derivative styles, which pretty much form the entire "external style" library of China with the exception of Shuia Jiao, although, Shuia Jiao was, and still is practiced in the Shaolin temple.

Do not be fooled; Shaolin monks can grapple, AND, they know ground techniques. Additionally, they can also enhance their physical strength through meditative techniques. Most monks can hold their own, and win, against any MMA fighters of any size or weight. They are generally lightning fast AND they could get out of just about any Wrestling hold you could think of.

The other set, which are a separate, and even more highly regarded school, are the internal styles, the most famous of which are members of the Tai Chi family. There are five orthodox styles of Tai Chi Chuan in China, in order from oldest to newest;

1) The Chen Style, considered the oldest because it is the only one that has actual historical reccords to back up the claim. Tradition holds that it is in fact, the Wudang style of Tai Chi that is the oldest, the one invented by Shang Sang Feng, however, this is controversial, and the dispute is likely never to be settled. Because the PRC's sports comission does not like Chinese tradition as they are communist, the Chen family wins this one, as they have actual historical reccords.

2) The Hao Wei Zheng style, which is in fact, the Chen family small frame. The "frame;" in Tae Kwan Do, forms are called "poomseh." In karate, they are called "Kata." In boxing they are called "shadow boxing drills." In Tai Chi Chuan, various variations of the style, are called frames. The form itself, in all Chinese Kung Fu I believe is called "Tao Lu." In Tai Chi Chuan, the Chen school teaches a slow frame, a fast frame, and at the highest, most advanced level, the small frame. The Hao Wei Zheng style, sometimes also called the "other" "Wu" style, is in fact, the Chen family small frame version, the most advanced form.

3) The Yang style, the most practiced the world over, although, few people practice the complete 88/108 step form. The 88 and 108 step forms are in fact one in the same; the difference in number of steps, has to do with how the moves are counted. There are possibly, endless variations and derivative styles just from the Yang style alone its so monstrously huge practitioners wise.

4) The Wu style, which is a direct derivative of the Yang style and varioius southern external styles of Kung Fu, and it was in fact this style that Bruce Lee practiced. It is a highly respected, highly regarded style, because it is praised for the practicality and simplicity of its martial applications. One of the things the style is known for, is its efficiency of movement; in two person drills and martial applications almost no motions are wasted.

5) Finally you have the Sun style, developed by Sun Lu Tang, the only master in the whole of Chinese Martial Arts history, from what is known of China's 4,000 year history, to have in fact mastered THREE internal arts. Sun Lu Tang was a master of Xing Yi, Bagua Zhang, and finally the Hao Wei Zheng style of Tai Chi Chuan, which he blended together, to create the Sun style. Additionally, Sun Lu Tang was among the last Chinese people, to receive a classical Chinese education.

As to the other martial arts that had their origins in China, the styles in question would be Sambo, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The wrestling style known as Shuia Jiao, was doing hip throws and trips, long before Judo, it was theorizing about ground work long before Sambo and BJJ, and, it was invented 4,000 years ago. In other words, virtually all east Asian grappling styles, or derivatives of east Asian grappling styles owe their origin to Shuia Jiao.

tai chi ch'uan

Kung fu

Influenced Karate as well.

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Suai Chio, Kung fu (Northern & Southern Shoalin, Praying Mantis, Monkey Style, Hung Gar, Dim Mok, Kenpo aka Chun Fa, Chin Na), Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Wing Chung ... Just to name the basic styles ... There are also many family styles and animal styles of kung fu to many to name.

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