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The species of cattle used in bullfighting are Bos primigenius taurus. The breed itself is called Fighting Bull or Fighting Cattle, or, in Spanish, Toro de Lide, Toro de Lidia, Toro Lidiado, or Ganado Bravo.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

The bulls are descendants of the wild cattle that once roamed freely throughout the Iberian peninsula. In most cases, man has done little to alter the original genetics of these animals so they can not be classified as a particular breed except that of fighting bulls.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The fighting bulls are not domesticated as are other cattle raised and used by man. They are wild animals. Comparing a fighting bull to a domestic bull would be similar to comparing a wolf to a domestic dog. The fighting bull has a different body structure than that of a domestic bull and they are naturally very aggressive. They are raised on special ranches called ganaderias and never encounter a man on foot until they enter a bullring.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The horses used by picadores are of no particular breed. Most of the ones I have seen have been ancient, decrepit creatures near the end of life. They probably cost the ring manager little and are, therefore, expendable if injured or killed in a bullfight.

Rejoneadores, matadores who fight and kill the bull from horseback, often use several horses during a performance. They are of various single and mixed breeds. These horses are trained and skilled in dressage.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The horses used by picadores in the traditional Spanish bullfight are of no particular breed. Most of the ones I have seen are old and decrepit and little of their life span left. I am sure this is intentional on the part of the bullfight promoter. The horses are cheap and, therefore, expendable should they be injured or killed during the fight.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The bulls are not domestic animals but are descendants of the original wild cattle that, in ancient times, roamed the Iberian peninsula. They are raised on special ranches devoted to fighting bulls and throughout their early years they never are allowed to encounter a man on foot. Their first encounter with a man on foot is when they enter the bullring at about 4 years of age.

Miura is not a really breed of bulls, it is the name of a fighting bull ranch that has bred and raised these animals and tried to maintain high standards of the ancient breed. They are often feared by matadors because of their particular traits. Some other ranches have allowed their bloodlines to become polluted with domestic breeds making them less fearsome. Miura has tried to maintain animals of the pure ancient bloodline.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Miura is one breed.

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Q: Which bull is used for bullfighting?
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Who kills the bull in bullfighting?

The matador kills the bull.

Is bullfighting dangerous?

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Why is Spain famous for bullfighting?

Bullfighting in its current form developed in Spain although many ancient cultures had some form of bull taunting or bullfighting.

Bullfighting participant is known as?

there's the matador, and there's the bull.

In french style bullfighting is the bull killed?

Some times the bull is killed depending on how fierce him and the rider where.

When is bullfighting over?

A bullfight is over when the last (6th) bull is dead.

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Nobody 'throws spears' at the bull during a typical Spanish style bullfight.

What is the Spanish word for bullfighting?

Bullfighting is tauromaquia.A bullfight is a corrida de toros.A bullfighter is a torero.The torero who kills the bull is the matador.

Are rodeo and bullfighting similar?

No similarities except a man and a bull are involved in each.

What is the thing called in Spain where you dodge a bull?

It's simply called, "Bullfighting".

What is the deinition of banderries?

"Banderilla" is a term used in bullfighting to refer to the decorated, barbed darts that are placed into the bull's shoulders by the banderilleros during the course of the bullfight.

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