The only association I can think of is Triple H because his theme song, The Game, is performed by Motorhead, who also perform Ace of Spades.
The Aces
Motorhead plays "Ace of Spades"
The duration of The Ace of Spades is 1.1 hours.
The Ace of Spades was created in 1935-02.
There are three spades on the standard ace of spades. One in each corner and a large one in the middle.
There is no ace of spray. However, there is an ace of spades. Spades is one of the black suits in a deck of playing cards.
No. The ace of spades is the highest ranked card in Texas hold 'em.
Ace of Spades - album - was created on 15-08-04.
Ace of Spades - song - was created on 15-08-04.
The Ace of Spades - 1935 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
No, the Ace of Spades in a standard deck of playing cards does not have a sexual meaning. It is simply one of the 52 cards in the deck and is often considered the highest-ranking card in many card games. The Ace of Spades is also commonly associated with good luck or as a symbol of power and strength, but it does not have any inherent sexual connotations.