He quit because he faught with goldberg in a fight that he was supposed to win. But goldberg never followed the script and ended up destroying brock lesnar. so brock lesnar quit because he got mad. he then went to the UFC did well for a while when he started doing bad he quit and went back to the wwe. then he quit the wwe again.
In 2004 Brock Lesnar was fired from the WWE. He did try out for the Minnesota Vikings but failed to gain a roster spot. He is now in the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
AnswerIt's just "Brock Edward Lesnar"
Brock Lesnar's birth name is Brock Edward Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar
brock lesnar
Brock Lesnar is still alive.
Brock Lesnar has blue eyes.
brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar is currently in WWE as of 2015.
No. Brock Lesnar is to busy with MMA.
Brock Lesnar is an American from Webster, South Dakota.
No. Brock Lesnar is alive and currently in WWE in 2015.
Brock Lesnar is 39 years old (birthdate: July 12, 1977).