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Spain, Mexico, Portugal, France, several countries in Central and South America.

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Q: When is it best to see a bullfight?
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When is the best time to see a bullfight in Madrid?

The temporada (bullfight season) in Madrid runs from mid-May until October. Fights are usually held each Sunday afternoon.

Where would you see a matador?

Your best bet to see a matador would be at a bullfight in Spain, Mexico, Portugal, France or in one of several countries in Central or South America.

To see a bullfight where would you go?

London or Rome or Madrid

To see a bullfight would you go to London Rome or Madrid?


Who is more important in a bullfight?

There are many important participants in a bullfight but the main ones are the matador and the bull. Without either of these there could be no bullfight.

What is a bullfight star?

The matador, the torero who kills the bull, is the star of the bullfight.

At what sporting event would you see a matador perform?

You would see a matador at a bullfight. However, bullfighting is not considered a sport but an art.

How do you know when a bullfight is over?

The bullfight is over when the final bull (6th) is killed.

What are the release dates for In the Bleachers - 2002 Bullfight?

In the Bleachers - 2002 Bullfight was released on: USA: 2002

Who goes or attends a bullfight?

Things/people that attend a bullfight are: the audience (dressed nicely), the bulls, and matadors.

Is bullfight in Japan?


How many matadors are there in a bullfight?

In a traditional Spanish bullfight there are usually 3 matadores, each fighting two bulls.