It generally ends in October when the threat of colder wintery weather begins.
Bullfighting only occurred in colonial Cuba and in rare occasions after that. Bullfighting has been outlawed in Cuba.
The season depends on the area of the world. In some areas, fights are held year round but in some areas the season is restricted to certain months of the year when the weather better for such an outdoor event.
Your question makes little sense unless you are referring to the name given to the bullfight season. It is called the temporada.
None. Bullfighting is not considered a sport but an art form.
Bullfighting in its current form developed in Spain although many ancient cultures had some form of bull taunting or bullfighting.
Bullfights may occur at any time of the year but the normal season usually starts about Easter (April) and runs through September or October.
Yes, Goya was quite an aficionado of bullfighting and it was one of his favorite subjects to paint.
In 1980 Wrangler sponsored the Wrangler Jeans Bullfighting Tour. Rodney Smets has won more Bullfighting Championships than any other bullfighter with a total of five.
Yes it does.