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May 26, 1979

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Q: When is WWE diva Ashley marraro's birthday?
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What is WWE diva Ashley's real name?

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What is the WWE diva Ashley's full name?

Ashley Marie Massaro.

When is WWE diva a Ashley returning to the WWE?

She isn't coming back.

Where does WWE diva Ashley live?

long island

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What is WWE diva Ashley's last name?


What is WWE diva ashley's middle name?


Who is WWE diva Ashley?

I cannot believe you just said she is a former wwe diva that wrestled from 2005 to 2009.

Does any WWE diva besudes Ashley have a child?

First off, Ashley doesn't.

How old is WWE diva Ashley?

32 years old

Where is WWE diva Ashley?

taking care of her sick daughter

Will WWE diva Ashley return?

i hope so she was hot