It doesn't mean anything, it is a nonsense cry when hitting the enemy, a form of 'Kia'.
The yell is called a Kia. It is sometimes referred to as a spirit shout. The yelling helps project power, strengthens the core and puts in a solid basis to send out the strength of the fighter.
The yell is called a kia. It is sometimes referred to as a spirit shout. The yelling helps project power, strengthens the core and puts in a solid basis to send out the strength of the fighter.
The cry is called the 'kia.' It is less of a cry than a sound. It is to be done from the diaphragm and helps focus energy. It can also have an affect on the opponent, and make them think twice about attacking.
try karate kid, it is very funny... hope i helped
There were 4: 1)Karate Kid 2)Karate Kid Part 2 3)Karate Kid part 3 4)The next Karate Kid.
Isshunryu Karate-Do is a type of karate founded by Shimabuku Tatsuo
karate Kid
They are doing a kia or spirit shout. Usually written as 'kia' it is a term for the shout given when finishing a move or sequence in kata or when breaking. The actual word or sound does not matter, but the sound should project well, tighten up all of the core muscle groups and be short and sharp.
In the Karate Kid sequals Mr Miyagi teaches Daniel karate In the Karate Kid sequals Mr Miyagi teaches Daniel karate
there is NO queen of karate
there is NO KARATE king