No. There is great debate in the boxing community whether Ali or Tyson would win a bout. I would guess at each of their primes, Ali would win. Ali would win because he can move around and tire out Tyson. FLOAT LIKE A BUTTERFLY STING LIKE A BEE
Mike Tyson has never fought Muhammad Ali. Ali had retired from boxing long before Tyson started as a professional.
Muhammad Ali would beat Mike Tyson.
i think Tyson will win
Many people have fought Mike Tyson. The question really is not whether you can fight him, but whether you can win if you do. That is harder.
No as Ali has parkinson disease of the hands it is not possible.
Mike Tyson wold win because Muhammad Ali has Parkinson's.
don king
mike Tyson would win if both boxers were in their prime.
yes (maybe)
ali all the way.
Beginning of Muhammad Ali era to the end of Mike Tyson era.
they could've never played because ali is 23 years older and ali retired before tyson started boxing. if there were in there prime it would be ali. ali would of knocked him out and did go next to tyson while he is on the floor and do what he did in this video. (by the way thats not tyson its liston) copy and paste the link.
it was joe frazier and baba qudi azim