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what kinda question is this! anyway the heat will form the substance to expand. and if you dont know what i said then your either stupid or u r 5 years old

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Q: When a substance is heated what happens to its volume?
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Does the volume of an object change if heated?

The volume of a substance increases when heated

How does the volume and density of a substance change when it is heated?

When a substance is heated, its volume generally increases due to thermal expansion. On the other hand, the density of the substance usually decreases since the same amount of matter now occupies a greater volume.

What happens to a substance or object when it is heated?

It expands.

What happens to air's volume when it is heated?

It expands.

What happens to the volume when heat is added?

When heat is added to a substance, its particles gain energy and move more vigorously, causing the substance to expand and increase in volume. This is because the increased energy disrupts the forces holding the particles together, allowing them to spread out more.

What happens to volume when the substance is heated?

When you heat something (gas, liquid, solid) it's volume increases. Sometimes it is not a visible change, yet volume increases by small amount. That is because by applying heat you make participles that are building the substacne dirft away from each other.

When a substance is heated what happens to interparticle distances?

Usually they will increase.

How can volume change if a substance undergoes a chemical change?

If a substance undergoes a chemical change, its properties change. For example, water, when heated turns into a gas which has a higher volume.

When a balloon is heated its volume doubles and what happens to its density?

It is reduced by haft

When a substance is heated what happens in mass volume and weight?

When a substance is heated, its mass remains constant because mass is a measure of the amount of matter present, which does not change during a physical change like heating. Volume may expand due to thermal expansion, where the particles move farther apart. Weight may appear to change due to differences in gravitational force, but the actual mass remains the same.

What happens to the volume of most substances as they are heated?

Most substances expand as they are heated because the increase in temperature causes the individual particles to move faster and spread out, resulting in an overall increase in volume. This expansion is due to the increased kinetic energy of the particles.

What happens to a solid when is heated?

A substance in the solid phase will typically expand when heated. Most substances when heated sufficiently will melt into a liquid, assuming that they do not combust or sublimate.