He converted a short time before his first fight with Sonny Liston in 1964, but kept it quiet until after he won the title, because Elijah Muhammad didn't want to associate himself with Clay (as he was known at the time) in case Liston humiliated him (as many thought was gonna happen).
He converted months before winning the heavyweight title in feb 1964.
Elijah Muhammad didn't want to be associated with him unless he defeated sonny liston for the title, which Elijah didn't think he could, although Malcolm X wanted him to.
after ali won the title, Elijah "stole" him away from Malcolm.
Muhammad Ali was never in the lightwieght division, he was heavyweight his entire career
he become a fool man
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His dream was to become the best boxer in the world and he did
Muhammad Ali married to Sonji Roi in 1964 Muhammad Ali married to Belinda Boyd in 1967 Muhammad Ali married to Veronica Porché Ali in 1977 Muhammad Ali married to Yolanda Williams in 1986
Muhammad ali
Muhammad Ali.
No, Muhammad Ali is not single.
Ali Nasir Muhammad was born in 1939.
Muhammad Ali
is Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali is more famous in terms of boxing