Ask Essedon.
Futurama movies have two robots in it.
8-10 years
The names are,AutobotsOptimus Prime(Leader)BumblebeeIronhideRatchetJazz(Dies in first movie)SidewipeMudflapSkidsJetfire(Former Decepticon)DecepticonsMegatron(Leader)Black Out(Dies in the first Movie)BarricadeDevastator(Tank)Devastator(Combined Robots)MixMaster(One of Combined Robots)Scrapper(One of Combined Robots)Long Haul(One of Combined Robots)Scavenger(One of Combined Robots)HighTower(One of Combined Robots)Rampage(One of Combined Robots)The Fallen(Dies in the second Movie and Leader of Megatron)Demolisher(Dies in the second Movie)SkorponokStarscreamSideWays(Dies in the second Movie)
The movie Boxing Den was directed by Frederick Wiseman. It is a documentary about boxers and how they struggle to make ends meet in the boxing business.
They are drawn afterwards in the movie! They are not robots of chipmunks!
there called mechs
91 minutes.
The movie is Batteries Not Included.
It's good if you like robots and eating