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Q: What were the results of fencing in an open range?
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What develpoment was the most responsible for eliminating the open range of the western frontier?

The invention of barbed wire and ranchers fencing off open range land.

Where can one purchase new fencing supplies?

For purchasing new fencing supplies or accessories go to Sears department store or their online shop. They have wide range of fencing in styles and materials.

Barbed Wire?

A wire or strand of wires having small pieces of sharply pointed wire twisted around it at short intervals, used chiefly for fencing in livestock, keeping out trespassers, etc. in the Open Range

What were the results of the invention of barbed wire?

Barbed wire spelled a end to the period of ranching by open range- it permitted the construction of cheap fences.

Which development was most responsible for eliminating the open range of the western frontier?

The invention of barbed wire ended the open ranging. Farmers, ranchers, and other frontiersmen took advantage of how cheap the new Fencing was, which made borders to where the cattle could graze. ...................................................................................... increase of homesteads with fenced boundaries

What is the duration of Open Range?

The duration of Open Range is 2.32 hours.

When was Open Range created?

Open Range was created on 2003-08-15.

When was Open Range released?

Open Range was released on 08/15/2003.

What do you think an open range is?

I think that an open range is a place for animals to "free range" without any enclosures.

What is the approximate cost for fencing for 4 acres?

The cost of fencing for 4 acres can vary depending on the type of fencing material used and other factors such as labor costs and terrain. On average, the cost can range from $5,000 to $20,000 or more. It is recommended to get quotes from fencing contractors to get a more accurate estimate for your specific needs.

Who could use the open range?

Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner in "Open Range." A pretty accurate movie about the use of the open range by cattlemen during the 19th century.

When was Werribee Open Range Zoo created?

Werribee Open Range Zoo was created in 1983.