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The primary factor is that they are in good shape and very strong. They work out for several hours every day. Their diet, while high calorie, is not high in fat.

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Q: What stops sumo wrestlers from dying from heart attacks?
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What commonly causes heart attacks?

Blockage in a vein or artery that stops the blood flow to and from the heart.

Is cockroach heart myogenic or neurogenic?

I think, heart of a cockroach is myogenic. It can stop anytime. That's why even when the heart stops doesn't mean cockroach is dying.

Why does a heart attack affect sport?

heart attacks affect an athlete's performance. Obviously if the heart stops, then it stops pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body which will cause the athlete's performance -and life- to cease.

How is electric used when someone has a heart attack?

Electric shocks can be given in certain types of heart-attacks. When the heart has trouble beating it gets what is called fibrillation. The electric device that stops that is called a defibrillator because it shocks the heart into beating normally.

How can you tell if your goldfish is dying?

it stops swimming

Is Bella going to died?

No, well kindof, her baby killes her but Edward changes her before her heart acually stops. So instead of dying she just transforms.

Why does heart stops?

The heart stops because there is no blood pummping through your veins

When was When Your Heart Stops Beating created?

When Your Heart Stops Beating was created in 2005.

What kind of accident stops you from having kids?


How does the respiratory system help eagles?

it stops them dying -_-

When was Until Your Heart Stops created?

Until Your Heart Stops was created in 1998-05.

What is the main cause of people dying in the us?

The main cause of people dying in the US as well as in the world is their heart stops circulating blood to the brain which deprives it of oxygen and thus all activity in the body ceases and the person dies. The causes of the heart ceasing to beat are to numerous to count. The ultimate cause of death is as stated.