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in collage he played football but in elementry school he played base ball

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15y ago
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14y ago

ya he did play foot ball in collage

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15y ago

Offensive tackle..... CHECK SVR2008

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13y ago

he played for the justice league

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Q: What sports did john cena play in high school?
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Did john cena graduate from high school?

Yes John Cena Graduated in 1995.

Is she dating John Cena?

John Cena is not dating anyone, he is happily married to his high school sweetheart

What high school john cena go to?

he went to Regonail High

Did john cena play football in high school?

yes he did

How did john Cena meet his wife?

they was high school sweethearts

Where did john cena go to school?

Central High Lawrence

What high school did John Cena graduate from?

Whittier Regional Vocational Technical High School in Haverhill MA

Who is Liz that is going out with John Cena?

His high school sweetheart and soon to be wife

Was mikie dating John Cena?

they did briefly but Cena married his high school girlfriend June 2010 - They never dated in real life! It was storyline only. John has been with now wife Liz since high school.

Did mickie james date john cena?

John Cena has never dated any of the divas in real life. He has been with his wife since high school.

Who is John Cena getting married to in July 2009?

To his high school sweetheart Liz.

Who is john cena's 2010 girlfriend?

Kelly Kelly John is not dating Kelly. John is married to his high school sweetheart Liz