To become a Wrestling Superstar, you must be agile, flexible, fit, have great ring psychology, have amazing ability to sell your opponents actions and moves, able to work the crowd, reasonable microphone skills/promos and practice twice, three times a week with a professional trainer on moves and all of the above.
test will not be back in the wwe becasue he decided to take a step down from wrestling and now he taking college courses to become a pefersonal medic trainer but taking with him he said " dont count him out there could be a big chance that you will see him again in the wwe". check out his myspace at
if you are a dity superstar build up a crew and used them to win a title example your partner distract the ref while you hit them in the head with a material that will hurt them or if you are a clean superstar you will take chances try to be tough and you will become a successful superstar and you wil get alot of money don't think that wrestling is fake it really is real. this has been really hbk heart break kid Shawn micheals this is really me you can find me on bebo or facebook every night on weekly days
Hard work, dedication, and skills
you carn't
It depends.
become a reality tv star, then use star perks to take acting lessons. it takes awhile. & when creating a character, use your personality points for creative & outgoing first.
you need to be able to take on a bit of screaming if client is in pain
A takedown is a term used in wrestling and MMA where the athlete gets his or her opponent off balance and takes them to and takes them to the ground, therefore landing on top of them and gaining control.
Five unarmed large men with good wrestling and kung-fu skills could kill a tiger.
Yes.Every wrestling league besides stuff like UFC,IFl or other mixed marshall arts and boxing leagues are fake.And so every superstar in WWE,ECW,WCW and TNA
It does not take that long to become a chef. However, for fine dinning and head chefs position it will take a number of years to develop your skills and reputation.
Yes, to become an architect you do indeed need to take a lot of math classes. Your math skills must be fine tuned.