There is really no way to measure this; all schools are different, and each one would have to keep records of all students who reached the black belt level, and forward that information to a central source.
My own experience is that the percentage of students who start and eventually become black belts is not a high percentage; to do this art correctly you have to devote time and energy to the discipline; you really have to want to do it. Since it can take 3 to 4 years to reach that level a lot of students drop out during the way.
Black Belt
Bodan is a rank of skill and experience just before black belt. The bodan belt is half red and half black. It sometimes called a temporary black belt.
red belt means 'Danger, cautioning the student to excersise control and the opponent to stay away'. Btw, this is correct because i am a black tag in tae kwon do.
Revive your inner strength and soul. If you don't finish your quest it will be the beginning of quitting everything important in your life until you die. Im a black belt and the gift you will receive when you complete it is something you can't put in words. 12 years of Taekwondo means about 2 years for you to become a black belt or less time depending on your skills and inner heart.
Yes especcially when you get to weaponsPartially, i am a Black belt double gold stripe and my opinion is that it is boring until you are at least green belt
a grandmaster of the art and extremly dangerous
There is no orange belt in Taekwondo.. White belt Yellow tag - Yellow belt Green tag - Green belt Blue tag - Blue belt Red tag - Red belt Black tag - Black belt Then following to Dan grades Is the ranking system
Brown belt is not used in TKD
You are usually called a Master when you reach 5th Dan - that's black belt with 5 stripes.
No, i am a first degree black belt and it actually promotes your growth as long as you practice on a regular basis.
Daniels has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, but is known to have studied a number of arts.
Absolutely!! Where I take Taekwondo, there is a man who got his black belt at 74 years old.