Asian Boy 2011 Lol Joke It's Mohhamed But They Have Lot's Of Imagination Because His Name Is Muhammed And He Called Him Mohhamed....... Lot's Of Difference You See??
Muhammads mothers' name?
Second name of Muhammad saw is Ahmad saw.
abd almuttalib was the Prophet Muhammad SAW grandfather.the prophets name was Muhammad bin (or son of) abdullah
Az-Zubair ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib
== == Her name is me...yay
The Prophet Muhammad's uncle was Abu Talib. His father, and thus The Prophet's grandfather was Abdul Muttalib.
uncle of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon his name is (Abu Lahab) and his wife. written in sorat Al-masad.
Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
Yes, he was Muslim. He died before birth of prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Accordingly, Prophet Muhammad's father died before the prophesy of prophet Muhammad and before God revelation of Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). However, his father was believing in God (Allah). His father name is Abdullah which is an Arabic name that means 'slave of Allah (God)'.
Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal
It is an abbreviation to a greeting to prophet Muhammad that is: Peace (from Allah)Be Upon Him (prophet Muhammad).
You should try involving the elders of your family to solve this issue amicably.