Karate uses the entire body. The core muscles are key to balance and focus. Strength in the arms in legs help with balance and power.
Karate strengthens the muscles in your body. It strengthens both your arms and your legs. Karate is exactly the same as martial arts except martial arts is a more professional term.
in karate muscles mostly used are leg and arm muscles
We can use them as we like
The muscles in your upper arms and upper legs, mainly.
Yes, it is a physical activity that requires one to use muscles and the body.
one of them is glucious maximus (which is in your bum)
You use your arms and legs driven by your muscles and bones.
Calves ( Legs ) Biceps/Triceps (arms)
You use all the muscles in your arms and legs. If you weight more it will help :)
legs, arms, and back muslces
There are two different types of soccer passes. A pass from the goalie will use the muscles of the arms. A pass from the rest of the players will use the muscles of the hips and legs.
your abdominal muscles, your bingo wings (your upper arms) thighs, possible calve muscles