As of July 2011, no movies have been made about Barry McGuigan's boxing career.
Barry McGuigan's birth name is Finbar Patrick McGuigan.
Barry McGuigan is 50 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1961).
Barry McGuigan was born on February 28, 1961.
Barry McGuigan was born on February 28, 1961.
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing happened in 1985.
Barry McGuigan World Championship Boxing was created in 1985.
Barry McGuigan goes by The Clones Cyclone.
The boxer. He collaborated with the makers of this film which was actually based on his life as a boxer.
Fullem road
He lives at Dargate, Hernhill, about 3 miles from Faversham.
Bernard Dunne is the best of the current crop, Barry McGuigan is probably the best of all time but with a few defenses of his title, Dunne will surpass McGuigan's achievements and then be seen as the best.