Cuba studied some form of Japanese Martial Arts directly after high school.
Martial arts is the study of warfare and the way of combat. Using a weapon is a martial art. The Marine Corps specifically includes the use of guns and knives in their fighting style.
Don't get sucked into the style wars. Study the martial arts for your own reasons, not for what others think. You need to find the teacher and style that works for you, which is not necessarily the one for your neighbor or your friend.
Its not a martial art its a training drill.
Yes, there are. Most martial arts have their own traditions. While many overlap, each style, each type, and often each school individually has their own traditions. If you are looking for the specific traditions of a particular type of martial arts (Boxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Tai Kwon Do, etc.) than you should research those specifically.If you are looking for the traditions of a particular school, than you should ask the sensei of that school. If you are looking for traditions of a particular style (like the white crane style) you should study the other aspects of that style as well, as the traditions are often related to what is most effective for that style's practitioners.If you are looking for general traditions of all martial arts, that is a fairly broad question, and difficult for most people to answer, as most people tend to only ever study one or two types of martial arts.
No, kung fu is a specific style of a martial art.
You don't choose the style, the style chooses you.
{| |- | The one that you will study. All martial arts will provide opportunities for physical fitness. It is really more about how hard you are willing to work and less about the specific style of martial art. The best way to find one you like is to try them. Most places will let you take a practice class. |}
well there is not a best kind of martial art so you have to decide yourself. Although not a style study Jeet Kun Do concepts. books can show you techniques but you wont really learn them without "time on floor". You need someone to practice those techniques on.
Kemp is not the name of a martial art. You are probably referring to Kempo, a style of martial art found in Korea and Japan.
It is a style of Japanese swordsmanship.
A style of martial arts
I believe it is based on nin-jutsu although there are a few hints of tae-kwon-do and karate