Sensei just means "Teacher" or "instructor" Ryu is "Style of" So, you could be a Sensei of Isshin-Ryu, meaning you are a teacher in the style of Isshin.
"Sensei" means 'one who has gone before' and is usually associated with a teacher or mentor. You can call a martial arts instructor 'sensei' in Japanese.
sensei means teacher
a sensei is known as a teacher who teachs you
I believe you are asking for the word that means teacher in Japanese? It would be easier if you had provided a definition. But I believe you are looking for the word 'sensei', which is Japanese for teacher.
Steven Seagal(Martial Artist/Actor/Musician) is known under the name Take Sensei.
In Spanish, "teacher" is maestro/maestra. In French, it is professeur/professeure. In German, it is Lehrer/Lehrerin. In Japanese, it is sensei (先生).
Japanese sensei means a teacher, expert, doctor or master.Chiyu means healing, cure, recovery.Chiyu no sensei could mean "the recovery of the teacher", "the teacher who is a cure" or "the teacher's cure". Only the context will determine the correct translation.
Judo is the Japanese martial art that was derived from JuJitsu by Kano Sensei.
Oni means "ogre" a horned demon or monster and Musho means "master/sensei/teacher" musho is a god of many people and is a master of all martial arts in the book
Teacher is simply 先生 (sensei) in Japanese.
先生 sensei