The colour of the object has object has nothing to do with it. Bulls will charge at the movement of the fabric, not the colour.
by making cloth
"La corbata" is Spanish for "the tie" in English. It refers to a long piece of cloth worn around the neck and typically tied in a knot.
The women wear a robe and the men wear a cloth around their bottom.
tienda de ropa
Bulls may charge when they feel threatened or perceive a person or animal as a threat to their territory or herd. They may also charge if they are startled or agitated. Charging is a natural defensive behavior for bulls to protect themselves or their group.
Serape is like a poncho--a cloth worn in Mexico.
A waistcloth is a cloth or garment worn around the waist.
They wore kercheifs, cloth wrapped around the head, sometimes having the cloth flow behind their heads.
You take a cloth and wrap it around your loins and tie it