The WCW Sting is a term used to describe a wrestler who is a three crown winner. Sting, or Steve Borden as he is known out of the ring won many crowns in his career with WCW.
yes there is there are some wcw games in game over Yeh there are 10 wcw games. wcw backstage assault wcw mayhem wcw nitro wcw super brawl wrestling wcw the main event wcw vs nwo world tour wcw vs the world wcw wrestling wcw/nwo revenge wcw/nwo thunder
WCW used to be a wrestling company.The manager could not afford it and so he sold it to Mr.McMahon which was not aired again,but some of the wrestlers were.
Lane Huffman is his real name, his alias was Stevie Ray in WCW.
WCW...NWO was a faction that existed within WCW for a few years.
Apparently WWE since they bought out WCW and WCW is no longer in business
Ted tunner created wcw.
WCW Wrestling happened in 1990.
WCW WorldWide was created in 1975.
No, back in 2000, WWE bought all the rights to WCW and there is no more WCW on televison no more.
NO WHERE. WCW Was acquired by WWE and is a part of the WWE now. Today you can only watch WCW is to go on and buy the videos of past WCW pay per views.
WWF and WCW had a match, and who ever the loser was agreed to shut down there show (WCW/WWF) and so WWF won so WCW was shut down
The Big Show used to smoke back when he was The Giant in wcw