There are sites that sell these magazines. Depending on condition they should sell for anywhere from $20-$75 each.
No US $10.00 gold coins are dated 1953.
It is of no monetary value like the quarter, He has a bio coin
A country of issue would be helpful in answering your question.
Mike Jacobs - boxing - died in 1953.
The U.S. did not print any $1 bills dated 1953. Please check your bill and post a new question.
The U.S. did not print any $100 bills dated 1953. Please check your bill and post a new question.
If it has a blue seal, face value to $8 depending on condition. If it has a red seal, up to $12.
The US didn't print any $50 bills dated 1953. Please check your bill and post a new question.
There were no $1 bills dated 1953. If you're referring to a 1935 E bill please see the Related Question.
Tony Paige - boxing - was born on 1953-09-11.
The U.S. did not issue any $1 silver certificates dated 1953.
The last US $500 bills were dated 1934. Please check again and post a new question.