Hypothetically speaking, it's the human mind. Technically speaking, the sharpest object is a tungsten needle tapering down to about the thickness of a single atom.
The sharpest object known to man is considered to be a carbon nanotube. These structures have a diameter of only a few nanometers and are exceptionally strong and have a very high aspect ratio, allowing them to have sharp tips.
I have the sharpest eyes in my classroom.
The sharpest handsaws are made of highly tempered steel. The sharpest power saw blades are carbide tipped.
maybe not the sharpest but pretty close.
diamond is the hardest material and if it is sharpened , then it is the sharpest material
The goblin shark is known for having the sharpest teeth.
hunting knives and ceramic knives usually get the sharpest.
No, Obsidian is the sharpest material on earth. Diamond however, is the hardest.
In my opinion, Dewalt makes the sharpest blade saws.
The sharpest vision belongs to the birds of prey especially eagles and hawks
Yes the fang is the most sharpest tooth in a snakes mouth
No. Kangaroos do not have the sharpest memory. They are not particularly intelligent; not are they very trainable.