the population of people watching boxing in 2009 is 1200000 people.
Population estimate for Sweden in 2009 was 9,354,462 people.
698,473 as of 2009
The population of Columbus, Ohio as of 2009 is 747,755 people.
The 2009 estimated NYC population was about 8,400,00 people.
The population of Ethopia in 2006 was 76,511,887 million people.
1,147,116 people as of 2009
The 2009 estimate was 11,542,645 people.
The population is 50,984,534 people in Poland.
As of 2009, it had an estimated population of 3,664,331 people.
As of 2009, it had an estimated population of 3,664,331 people.
The cast of Boxing Paradise - 2009 includes: Gianluca Migliarotti as Brando
Conversation with Boxing Gloves - 2009 was released on: USA: 16 November 2009 (Anthology Film Archives)