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Q: What is the percentage of sports that have fights?
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What sports were popular in 384 BC?

Gladitorial fights

Why does the media portray sports as aggressive?

They portray sports as aggressive because there's a lot of fights and verbal disagreement's in sports nowadays

What was the elizabethian lesiure?

there were animal fights, team sports, individual sports, games, dramatics, music and the arts.

What is the percent of best friends who don't get into fights?

Almost all best friends get into fights. So, the percentage of best friends who dont get into fights is around 20-30 %

What percentage of the sports world is Jewish controlled?

If you mean, what percentage of sports leaders are Jewish, then there are no known statistics on this subject.

How many fights do you have to fight in wii sports to fight Matt?

69 times yes

Percentage of Australian's who do not play sports?

30% have never played sports

What is the percentage of sports fans?

82 percent of American people are sports fans

Why fights in sports?

because some people have a bad temper that they can't controle.and they want to win

What sports are played in rome?

There were many Roman sports. They had Mock Naval Battles, Gladiator fights, Animal hunts all in the colosseum. they had much more too.

What were some Medieval sports and pastimes in the middle ages?

Jousting, Gladitoial Fights, Sword Fighting, Archery

What percentage of sports teams get paid?
