because they fight in a box
Boxers are forced to fight in the fighting ring but if they do choose to fight outside of the ring, they will be disqualified.
No, Just If You Like Better Boxers But You Have Got Already Lots Of Boxers
In a fight between three unarmed heavyweight boxers and a tiger, the odds are on the tiger.
Junior boxers are what boxers between the ages of 8 and 16 are called. Junior boxers are featured in the Golden Gloves tournament. There are also gyms which cater to junior boxers like Church Street Boxing and Fight Factory Gym.
cause they call ya mar
A lot of boxers can not walk in the world. They cant walk because they have gotten injured in a fight. Many boxers can't walk.
they fight and train the same way. The only difference is the obvious ones
The bell rang and the two boxers were ready to fight for the world title.
Food Fight - 2003 Boston Team Yoga vs Boxers was released on: USA: 8 August 2003
A "round".