Belt order usually is not fixed and changes from style to style and school to school. But there guaranteed to be 10 color belts followed by 10 black belts. Order of color belts may differ.
It is called an obi
There are two symbols that make up the word karate. Te is translated as hand. The character Kara can be translated in two ways, either empty or China. In the 1930's the Okinawa masters gathered and agreed that they would use the word empty for the art.
Japanese Judo was the first martial art to introduce the colored belt ranking system as a visible indication of the students progress. The colored belt ranking system soon was adapted for Karate, and was first used by Sensei Gichin Funakoshi and his Shotokan Karate schools. Click here to learn about the Goju-Ryu Karate belt ranking system. As students pass through the ranks taking grading examinations they are awarded with different colored belts. The color order and which colors are used varies from school to school, as does the relationship between belt color and rank (= Kyu
Research has shown that the green belt is 7th belt that can be achieved in Karate. One must achieve each level in karate in order to move up to the next level. Prior to achieving the green belt one would have to earn a blue, then a yellow belt, orange belt, blue belt, purple belt, green with white stripes belt and the next step would be the green belt.
karate is Japanese
the next kaigan karate belt after white is orange
Karate is a Japanese word.
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips.
Karate is a Japanese world, so it would be said the same way. The Japanese word for child is kodomo.
You don't master karate at brown belt. You don't normally ever master karate. The best thing to do is to practice often and hard.
I am now a black belt and from my past Karate experience block - Uke and kick - Geri. I know that this is not what you asked for but it may help you.
No, he reached brown belt in karate. Then he studied Jeet Kine Do.