The Plaza de Toros is the name of the arena where a bullfight is held.
Bullfights are held in Spain, Portugal and parts of France, especially in southern France. By the way, bullfighting is not considered a sport but an art.
Spain is the bullfighting capital of Europe but bullfights are also held in Portugal and France
Yes, Honduras has bullfights.Yes, bullfights occasionally are held in Honduras. They are not as common there as in other countries such as Spain and Mexico.
Most bullfights are held on Sunday afternoons but some towns hold yearly festivals that may last a week with fights each afternoon.
Yes, bullfights are held in Venezuela but they are not as popular there as in many other Latin American countries.
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Bullfighting is held in many towns throughout Spain, Mexcio, Portugal, France and in several Central and South American countries. In most other countries bullfights are illegal.
Bullfighting is considered an art form, not a sport. Bullfights are held in Spain, Mexico, France, Portugal, and several countries in Central and South America.
Bullfighting only occurred in colonial Cuba and in rare occasions after that. Bullfighting has been outlawed in Cuba.
In France, bullfights are held in the cities of Nîmes, Arles, Dax, Toulouse, and others.
Bullfights are held in a number of South American countries including Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela, and Bolivia.
Traditional Spanish bullfights are held in Spain, Mexico, Portugal, France and in several countries in both Central and South America.