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The word 'Fencing' has more than one meaning,these are: An extent of fences The sport or art of sword-play The material for making fences The selling or receiving stolen goods. In the broadest possible sense, fencing is the art of armed combat involving cutting, stabbing, or bludgeoning weapons directly manipulated by hand, rather than shot, thrown or positioned (from Wikipedia). It also means buying and selling stolen goods. In the sport; Fencing; the name originates from the French 'defense'

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Sword fighting, swordcraft, swordplay.

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Q: What is the meaning of the word Fencing?
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The French word for fencing is "l'escrime"

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The sword fighter was practicing his fencing techniques.

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That is the correct spelling of "faint" (meaning to lose consciousness, or indistinct).The similar word feint is a false move or distraction, from the move in fencing.

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It is called fencing.

What is the Italian translation of the English word 'fencing'?

Scherma is an Italian equivalent of the English "fencing".Specifically, the Italian word is a feminine noun in its singular form. It means "fencing" in the sense of the sport. The pronunciation will be "SKER-ma" in Italian.

Why is it called fencing?

Though the word 'fencing' typically brings to mind an image of wooden posts surrounding a yard, the more obscure definition - that of the sport and art of swordsmanship - is derived from the act of defending. 'Fence' is derived from the Old French word 'defens', meaning 'defense'. The first known usage of the word is in William Shakespeare's play 'Merry Wives of Windsor', in which a character exclaims 'Alas, sir, I cannot fence'. Literally, then, 'fencing' means 'to defend yourself'.

What does the word punto mean?

The word punto is a Spanish word meaning point.In the sport of fencing, a punto diritto is used to describe a direct stroke or hit. In the same sport, punto reverso is used to describe a backhanded stroke.

How do you spell ippi?

The word is spelled "epee". It's a fencing sword.

What does the word l'es crime mean?

éscrime means fencing (as in swords)

What word for Olympic weapon that starts with an E and is a 4 letter word?

Epee - a sword used in fencing.