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Toreros wear regular street clothes and nothing would distinguish them as being a bullfighter. They change into the traditional traje de luces in the hotel just prior to departing for the bullring.

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The traje de luces (suit of lights) is the traditional costume worn by the matador. For less formal fights he may wear a traje corto.

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The costume is usually called a Traje des Luces- suit of light.

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It is called a traje de luces - suit of lights.

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Q: What is the matadors outfit in bullfighting?
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What do bullfighters wear?

A bullfighting costume mostly consists of a silk jacket, heavily embroidered in gold, skintight pants, and a montera (a bicome hat). The best fabrics are used to make a bullfighting costume so that a matador would feel comfortable and look outstanding. The bullfighting costume price can be up to thousands of dollars and a famous matador must have at least six of them for a season. The most famous matadors buy their bullfighting costumes from top designers, which are made to an exclusive and personal order. Modern matadors can be quite extravagant in their choice; they can wear pink socks, a white shirt and a red tie, and a large purple or yellow cape. Earlier, bullfighting costumes were also made to an order and each one possessed unique and unrepeatable features, distinguishing one from another.

How is bullfighting rewarded?

In the early years of bullfighting on foot, if a matador did a exceptional job during the fight, he would be awarded an ear. That meant he could claim the meat of the animal after the fight. Matadors were not well paid back then and having the meat of a large bull really was meaningful. Today, top matadors earn thousands of dollars for a single bullfight so the 'trophies' of an ear, two ears or two ears and a tail are symbolic. However, the awards are recorded and matadores who consistently receive trophies can command higher pay for a performance.

What is the percentage of matadors that get hurt?

About %21 of matadors get hurt.

When did Miami Matadors end?

Miami Matadors ended in 1999.

When was Miami Matadors created?

Miami Matadors was created in 1998.

When was San Antonio Matadors created?

San Antonio Matadors was created in 2000.

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How many people have died in bullfighting in Spain?

Very few matadors have died in the bullrings in Spain in the last 50 years, but many have been injured. Only 16 runners have died during the encierro in Pamplona since they started keeping records in 1922.

What Spanish sport involves matadors?

The Spainish sport that involves matadors is bull fighting. The matadors are the people that fight the bulls.Bullfighting is not considered a sport, it is considered an art.

When was The Matadors created?

The Matador was created on 2005-12-30.

Is bullfighting popular in Cuba?

Bullfighting only occurred in colonial Cuba and in rare occasions after that. Bullfighting has been outlawed in Cuba.

When was Carinthian Matadors Rugby Football Club created?

Carinthian Matadors Rugby Football Club was created in 2003.