It Is "Pole Vault".
It's called a Javillon. (If it has a sharp edge on it)
A galleon pole is commonly referred to as a "spar" or a "mast." It is a long, slender pole used on ships to support sails or rigging.
A bucket that attached to a long pole and used to transfer river water is called a shadoof.
There is a weapon called a pike. It's a long pole with a spearhead attached.
The pole used by a gondolier to steer and propel the gondola is called an "oar" or "remo" in Italian. It is a long, single-sided paddle that the gondolier uses to navigate the canals of Venice.
Its called a mast. hope i helped :)
It is called the pole vault pit.
Dowel. It does not have to be long either. It could be as short as a 1 inch and still be called a dowel.