

What is the history of taekwondo?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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βˆ™ 9y ago

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The history and origins of Taekwondo (aka: Tae Kwon Do, or Taekwon-Do), is very complex, and highly contested among Martial Art experts and historians.

Taekwondo was established as a modern curriculum of Martial Art in South Korea, and given its current name on April 11, 1955. However, the many sources that have culminated into the development of Taekwondo go far back into Korea's early beginnings. Although little is known about the earliest inhabitants of the Korean peninsula, it is likely that the first immigrants from northern China, brought with them fighting skills to protect themselves from enemy attacks. Part of Korea's history shows that it was common among the small primitive communities to gather stones in a pile for defense of their villages. The practice of stone throwing in combat continued into the late 19th century.

In Korea's early years, young men were trained in unarmed combat techniques to develop strength, speed, and survival skills. Developed during the period of the three rival Korean kingdoms of Goguryeo, Silla and Baekje, the most popular of these techniques was subak. Not likely to have been a structured curriculum as we know today, subak was a combination of wrestling and hand strikes. In these early years, Koreans also developed a unique tactic of fighting by using kicks as primary weapon. This became labeled as Tae kkyeon (aka: tae kyon) which means "the method of stomping or kicking." This concept was unique to Korea, and remained a part of the culture, both as a formidable weapon of self defense, and as a sport contest of kicking, and survived to the present day.

Another major influence on today's Taekwondo is the philosophy and code developed for training the youth of Korea's nobility during the 7th century AD. Those young men who demonstrated strong natural aptitude were selected as trainees in a group called the Hwarang - - which means "Flowering men." While there is much controversy over the nature of this group, and the components of the training, it is believed that young boys were guided through their transitional growth as they "blossomed" into men. They were provided with skills that would result in becoming productive members of society or strong military leaders, depending on the individual. Their minds were cultivated in the liberal arts, philosophy, music, poetry, and academics, and they were challenged physically to become skilled fighters. It is believed that they studied unarmed combat (most likely the grappling and kicking of subak and Tae kkyeon), as well as equestrian sports, swordsmanship and archery, both on horseback and on foot.

In spite of Korea's rich history of ancient and traditional martial art, Korean martial art faded into obscurity during the later part of the Yi Dynasty, and into the modern Joseon Dynasty under Japanese rule in the late 19th century and early 20th century AD. Korean society became highly centralized under Korean Confucianism, and the martial art was regarded lowly in a society whose ideals were epitomized by its scholar-kings. Formal practices of traditional Martial Arts such as subak and tae kkyeon were reserved for sanctioned military training, and were used to fight off the Japanese invasion. However folk practice of tae kkyeon as a kicking game still persisted into the 20th century.

In 1910, Japan officially annexed Korea, and began to force Korean customs, language, and history out while replacing them with Japanese culture. This was a dark and difficult period for Koreans, as many crimes of imprisonment, murder, and rape were committed on the Korean men, women and children by Japanese soldiers. There was much rebellion and unrest. Some Korean men were forced into service in the Japanese military, and others moved to Japan to obtain a college education. During the 35 year oppression, Koreans were not allowed to practice their native Martial Art, so what little survived was practiced in secret. A few Koreans were allowed to study at Japanese Martial Art schools, and learned the skills of Judo, Aikido, and Karate. Other Koreans traveled into China, and learned native fighting systems there to include what would later be taught in Korea as Tang Su Do ("The way of Chinese Hand").

During that time a young Korean, Won Kuk Lee (in Korean - Yi, Won Kuk), learned some Tae kkyeon (kicking method) in the streets of Korea before moving to Japan to attend college. Another young boy name Hong Hi Choi (in Korean - Choi, Hong Hi), states that he learned some Tae kkyeon (Tae Kyon) from his Calligraphy teacher before going to attend High School and college in Japan. Both Lee, and Choi earned their Black Belts in Shotokan Karate under the renowned Karate Master Gichen Funakoshi.

Lee was a senior ranking Black Belt under Sensei Funakoshi, and began teaching his own unique methods as early as 1942. Upon returning to Korea in 1944, College Professor Won Kuk Lee gained permission from the Japanese government to teach the Korean system of Tang Soo Do (based on Chinese Hand fighting of the Tang Dynasty) for the first time in Korea at the Yung Shin School Gymnasium in Sa De Mun, Ok Chun Dong district in Seoul. He incorporated his own unique methods of teaching one-on-one and called his school "Chung Do Kwan" (school of the Blue Wave), officially established in Korea in 1944, see related links below.

After World War II ended (1945) several new Kwans opened up under various names, many of which were formed by Black Belt graduates of the Chung Do Kwan. The original five Kwans were: 1. Chung Do Kwan, founded in 1944 by Lee, Won Kuk (Lee had been teaching since 1942, but the official Kwan was opened in 1944 by permission of the occupying government of Japan), 2. Song Moo Kwan, founded May 2, 1946 by Ro, Byung Jick (Ro had previously taught self defense at an Archery School between March to July of 1944, but the official Kwan did not open until after the occupation), 3. Mu Duk Kwan, founded by Hwang Kee in 1946, 4. Kwon Bop Bu / Chang Mu Kwan, founded by Byung In Yoon in 1946, 5. Yun Moo Kwan / Jidokwan, founded by Sang Sup Chun in 1946.

Much later, there were four more main Kwans: 6. Han Moo Kwan, founded by Kyo Yoon Lee in 1954, 7. Oh Do Kwan, founded by Hong Hi Choi in 1955, 8. Kang Duk Won, founded by Chul Hee Park in 1956, 9. Jung Do Kwan, founded by Yong Woo Lee in 1956.

Some key figures important in the organization and development of Taekwondo as a modern Korean Martial Art included the first generation graduates of the Chung Do Kwan:

Duk Sung Son (3rd Kwanjang of the Chung Do Kwan - Founder of World Taekwondo Association)

Suh Chong Kang (Founder of Kyu Mu Kwan - Co-founder and 1st President of ATA: American Taekwondo Association)

Woon Kyu Uhm (current Chung Do Kwan Kwanjang and former Kukkiwon President)

Later Graduates of the Chung Do Kwan include:

Hae Man Park (Vice President, Taekwondo Chung Do Kwan)

Hyun Ok Shin (President, United Chung Do Kwan Association)

Tae Zee Park (President, Tae Park Taekwondo)

In Mook Kim (President, American ChungDoKwan Taekwondo Association)

Edward B. Sell (Founder, United States Chung Do Kwan Association in 1967)

Jhoon Rhee (First permanent Tae Kwon Do Instructor in America)

By the mid 1950's approximately 18 kwans had opened in Korea, each teaching a variety of Martial Art systems under various names. The original Kwan founders began an effort to unite all of the Kwans into one central organization, and create a name to encompass all of the systems as one Korean Martial Art.

By this time, Hong Hi Choi had worked his way up in the Korean army as a General. In 1955, General Choi spear-headed this effort to organize the many Kwans and create a single governing body. It was determined that the Korean Martial Art was drifting away from its long-time Japanese influence, and becoming a system unique to the Korean culture, philosophy, and regaining the ancient knowledge of Subak, Tae kkyeon, and other skills that were nearly lost.

A new name needed to be chosen to represent the modern culmination of ancient skills with current influences while distancing the new organization from Japanese terms and influences. Chung Do Kwan founder, Grandmaster Won Kuk Lee stated that a few of his students researched the matter, consulting a Korean language dictionary, and came up with the term "Taekwon-Do" to show a close connection to the kicking of the forerunner Korean art of Tae kkyeon.

At a meeting of prominent Korean politicians, historians, and Kwan leaders on April 11, 1955, several ballots were voted upon, and the one containing the term "Taekwon," which is believed to have been submitted by Chung Do Kwan student, General Hong Hi Choi, was selected. Thus, the term "Taekwon-Do" was born in April of 1955, but the art itself is a combination of technical knowledge, ancient warrior spirit, national culture and heritage dating back to the 1st century B.C.. Therefore, most Korean Taekwondo masters consider "Taekwondo" to be a new name for an ancient art. Even after this official vote, it took another decade to bring about a complete consensus among the various Kwans to use the name Taekwondo.

On September 16, 1961, the Korea Taekwondo Association was officially established to unite the various Kwans. On November 30, 1972, the Kukkiwon was completed as the national academy which serves as the World Taekwondo Headquarters. On May 28, 1973, the World Taekwondo Federation was established as the sport governing body for Taekwondo competition worldwide.

On May 20, 1976, The Korean government ordered the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) replaced the Kwan names with numbers, and the Kwan system was allegedly dissolved, but it remains intact today.

The nine official Kwans were:

Kwan #1: Song Moo Kwan

Kwan #2: Han Moo Kwan

Kwan #3: Chang Moo Kwan

Kwan #4: Moo Duk Kwan

Kwan #5: Oh Do Kwan

Kwan #6: Kang Duk Won

Kwan #7: Jung Do Kwan

Kwan #8: Jidokwan

Kwan #9: Chung Do Kwan

There was also a 10th Kwan, Kwan Ri Kwan, which was labeled as the Administrative Managing Kwan.

Since that time, there have been numerous organizations, and independent schools that have opened, each one changing the techniques, and method of instruction to one degree or another. These are individual personal preferences, and are too numerous to identify or label them all.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Taekwondo is the traditional martial art of Korea which is primarily taught as education on life, character building, physical exercise, and self defense. The sport of Taekwondo is a modern day contest which is played according to rules for safety and fair play, and encourages the use of kicking as the primary weapon. Sport Taekwondo does not utilize the entire curriculum and skill set of the Martial Art of Taekwondo, and is modified for the purpose of a challenging game of kicking and punching.

Games of Martial Art competition have been in practice in Korea since the early three Kingdoms period (1st century BC to 7th century AD), and during each of the subsequent dynasties. Throughout history, Kings have often held festivals which included contests of unarmed combat between the strongest warriors of that time. By the late 19 century, Korea's traditional Martial Art of subak (punching and grappling), and Tae kkyeon (aka: tae kyon - "kicking method") had fallen into disfavor by the Confucian society of the aristocrats, and was mostly practiced only by military, or played as a folk game in local villages.

After the Japanese occupation of Korea ended in 1945, Koreans began to revive their former traditions, and cultural identity. The native tradition of Kicking was revived and restructured into a new system that was influenced by both Chinese and Japanese systems. In 1955, the new system of Korean Martial Art was officially given the name of Taekwondo, and shortly thereafter, the Korea Taekwondo Association was formed. In order to help Taekwondo grow in popularity, tournaments were held first in Korea, then around the world.

As the popularity of Taekwondo spread world wide in the 1960s, there was little control over how it was being taught. Many organizations in foreign countries were holding their own local tournaments, and national championships. The rules of each tournament varied substantially. Earlier Karate tournaments promoted more hand strikes, and points were awarded by the center referee stopping the match, and calling for "point." Each of four corner judges would raise a flag, either red or white (sometimes red and blue) to indicate a vote. The majority of votes resulted in a point.

In 1963, U.S. serviceman, Edward Sell (founder of U.S. Chung Do Kwan association in 1967), was the first foreigner to compete at this first Korean National Championship (won 3rd place). By 1972, Korea had built a national academy in Seoul, South Korea, called the Kukkiwon. This was to serve as the world headquarters for teaching Taekwondo, training instructors, certifying Black Belts, and holding promotion tests as well as tournaments in the large, in-door arena. On May 25-27, 1973, The 1st World Taekwondo Championships organized by the Korea Taekwondo Association were held at the Kukkiwon with participation of 200 competitors and officials from 19 countries. On May 28, 1973, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) was established with the participation of 35 representatives from around the world.

The WTF was mainly charged with the responsibility of establishing the standard practices and rules for governing the sport of Taekwondo, and promoting it world wide. The WTF consists of member National Associations that recognizes Taekwondo tournaments in each country. Guidelines are set for qualifications of tournament officials, coaches, athletes, uniforms and equipment, contest area, judging criteria, and general competition rules. While some smaller tournaments hold events competing in board breaking, weapons, one-step sparring, etc., Most WTF tournaments are concerned with just Poomsae (pre-arranged patterns of movements also called "forms"), and Gyorugi (Free Sparring).

In forms competition (sometimes called "tul," "hyung" or "Poomsae" in Korean), the competitor demonstrates a solo performance of stances, blocks, hand and foot strikes in a memorized order against imaginary opponents which simulates a modified version of an actual street fight. The higher rank the student is, the more complex the pattern. The Kukkiwon and the WTF authorize a set of forms called "Taegeuk" (named after the red and blue symbol in the center of the Korean Flag and based on the three-lined trigrams of the Chinese philosophy of the I Ching). The ITF uses the system of forms created by its founder, General Hong Hi Choi, under his pseudonym of Chang Hon ("Blue Cottage"). There are 24 patterns in the Chang Hon system for color belts through 9th Degree Black Belt. The American Taekwondo Association (ATA) uses the Song Ahm forms created by its co-founder and 2nd President, Grandmaster Haeng Ung Lee.

In sparring competition (Gyorugi), two competitors exchange techniques in a square ring approximately 8 meters x 8 meters. The match is controlled by a center Referee, and points are awarded by the corner judges (anywhere from two to four judges). Some Taekwondo tournaments still use the "stop-point" match where the action pauses while the judges raise colored flags to vote on valid points. Under WTF rules, the matches are continuous (unless there is a violation, injury, or other problem), and the points are scored by the corner judges, either on paper, or through electronic buttons connected to a computer. Modern electronic scoring also uses chest protectors that register the point upon impact. Only the center Referee is allowed to issue deductions based on two warnings (Kyeong-go) or one major deduction (Gamjeom). Three deductions results in an automatic loss of the match. One extremely major rule violation can result in the contest being ended at the discretion of the Center Referee (with consensus of the corner judges).

Taekwondo competition requires that a legal striking tool (foot below the ankle, and fore-fist only) strike a valid scoring area (torso above the waist, or face excluding back of head and spine) with proper execution, unblocked by opponent, with sufficient force to send a trembling shock or abrupt displacement of the opponent's body. Currently, the WTF rules do not allow punches to the face, but punches to the body may score if delivered with enough force.

Additional points are awarded for head kicks, jumping kicks, and if the opponent is knocked to the ground as a result of a LEGAL attack. No point may be awarded if the attack is either not a legal technique, nor if a legal technique is delivered to a non-valid scoring area, nor if a legal technique to a legal scoring area is aided or involved with an illegal act (such as pushing, holding, sweeping, falling, or touching your hand to the floor). There are typically two to three rounds, of anywhere from 90 seconds to 3 minutes for each round (depending on tournament, and rank or age of the competitors). Knock outs are allowed in the adult divisions, but not under Jr. Rules. If there is no knock-out during the match, and no disqualification, withdrawl or serious injury, the winner of the match is determined by the competitor with the most points at the end of a match. If the score is tied, the center referee makes a decision based on a number of criteria as set forth in the official rule book.

Taekwondo has appeared in several Olympic Games, making its debut as a demonstration sport in the Seoul, Korea games in 1988, and a full medal sport in Sydney, Australia in 2000. It is scheduled to be a part of the 2012 Games in London and the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro. Olympic taekwondo competitors wear special protective gear on their head, mouth, chest, arms, hands, groin, legs and feet. Other organization's tournaments might require a minimum of protective gear (groin cup and mouth guard), and might allow different techniques, such as open hand strikes, or punches to the face.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Taekwondo is a Korean unarmed martial arts that has been enexstences for more than 2,300 years ago along with the silla dysnasty.Taekyun was the first name given to an art which means foot movement.Through constant study and training, Korean came up with an exercise that is adoptable to all ages.It is the combination of hand and foot movements which is now known as taekwondo....:)

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Seoul, South Korea.

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Does really the Taekwondo was a Soft-style?

Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.Yes, Taekwondo is considered to be soft style. The reason why it is called the soft style is because Taekwondo is often linear with the forms and is performed with crisp movements.

When was Liu Xiaobo - taekwondo - born?

Liu Xiaobo - taekwondo - was born in 1984.

When was Γ“scar Salazar - taekwondo - born?

Óscar Salazar - taekwondo - was born in 1977.

When was Aaron Cook - taekwondo - born?

Aaron Cook - taekwondo - was born in 1991.

When was Korea Taekwondo Association created?

Korea Taekwondo Association was created in 1959.