They have to be at least 173 cm tall. There is no maximum height restriction. The tallest rikishi on record is Ikezuki Geitazaemon at 229 cm in the Tempo era.
You have to have completed 9 years of school to become a member of a sumo stable. That is about age 15. You also have to meet the height and weight requirements.
Yes, that is about the age that apprentices join sumo stables. They have to meet certain height and weight requirements and they have to have some skills.
The minimum weight for a sumo wrestler is 75 kg. The minimum height requirement is 173 cm. To be successful, you really need to be a lot larger than the minimums!
You must weigh at least 75 kilograms. The minimum height is 173 centimeters.
The minimum weight for a sumo wrestler is 75 kg. Today that is not difficult to meet, though in the past it was not as common, particularly during the shortages of food in the 40s and 50s. The minimum height requirement is 173 cm.
In Japanese, there is no visible indication, it is determined by the context. He was a sumo wrestler. There were ten sumo in that stable.
What English-speakers think of when they say "sumo" (i.e. heavyset men wrestling) is also called "sumo" in Japanese. Basically, sumo is sumo!
Sumo is a Japanese sport. There are Chinese sumo wrestlers.
Yes Sumo are useful.
The champion sumo (Yokozuna) is inside the sumo match place.
its in sumo dojo