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Taekwondo does not have a unique definition of respect. To feel respect for someone or something is to hold it in high esteem.

Taekwondo practitioners are expected to show respect for their county, their school, their instructors, their fellow students, their parents and even their opponents.

Taekwondo practitioners show respect by bowing and in their manner of speech and address. Taekwondo practitioners should never argue. They should not argue with their instructor during class. They should not argue with fellow students or with their parents. They most especially should not argue with referees during tournaments.


Many people misunderstand the original meaning of the term respect, and often misuse the word in a context contrary to its intended purpose. Even frequently used slang expressions become the norm, and the validity of the definition becomes distorted and misconstrued over time.

It is worth noting that the term "respect" comes from the Latin word "respectus," the past participle of respicere, which means to "regard," or "look back at." This is very important to understanding the meaning of respect, and using it properly. Respect comes from looking back on past events, and regarding the value of objects, people, and their actions. Respect is commonly defined with the synonym of "esteem." Esteem comes from the French estimer: "to value," which is derived from the Latin aestimare, meaning to "estimate," or "assess." Assess means to examine something in order to judge or evaluate it, and to calculate and determine a value based on various factors.

By definition, respect refers to an individual's observation, mental pondering, and consideration of the value or worth of somebody or something. It means a high regard, or elevated opinion and appreciation of any person or thing. Respect is a personal, mental assessment of some level of value held in one's own mind. The existence of an attitude of respect can be displayed, demonstrated, or shown through words and actions, but respect itself is never actually given to anyone since it is not a physical object, but is based on our own individual appreciation of the value of someone or something.

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