Its best not to hold one period, or you'll end up in prison. However if you live in a bad neighborhood and you need it for self defense, or intimidation against potential physical assault, most people favor the "oriental" hold. Remember that shower scene from the movie "Psycho?" I believe that is the oriental hold; the hold "hides" the blade a little bit, making it unpredictable, plus, you can use the but of the handle to strike different parts of the body as a "left hook." You can't slash with the hold you can only stab, but, the damage is much more severe and because of the blade's position, the knife is much more difficult to take away.
Personally though................ don't pull out a knife on someone, that is a sure trip to prison.
well this is a different person here but i learned to hold the knife so the blade was facing the right outside of my fist and the sharpened part forward so you can slash, block, stab, and punch so yea
This is the best way but not the simplest. Just do all the knife and spork challenges
the best way to fight a fire is to pevent it.
The best way to use a dough knife for cutting and shaping dough is to hold the knife at a slight angle and use a gentle sawing motion to cut through the dough. For shaping, use the knife to divide the dough into equal portions or to create decorative patterns on the surface. Be sure to keep the blade sharp for clean cuts and precise shaping.
Hold the fish knife in your right hand and the fish fork in your left hand. Use the knife to gently cut through the fish, and the fork to hold it in place as you cut and eat. Always keep the tines of the fish fork facing down towards the plate.
Rb bunts with gun but if you get behind an enimy and hold it you will do an assasination whick that is the only way to use your knife.
A Massive Knife to the head.
can you carry a knife in Danville il
The best way to hold a ladder is ahead.
Fighting is a natural instinct. Only fight to defend yourself though. So, if she hits you, do your best to get her and hold her down until an adult breaks it up.(that way you don't get in trouble)
"You dont fight racism with racism; the best way to fight racism is with solidarity." "You dont fight racism with racism; the best way to fight racism is with solidarity."
with a fork and knife
use a knife