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What is the "best' is always a matter of opinion. People study Martial Art for many different reasons, and each system has many benefits. Success comes from taking the knowledge and skills taught in any particular system, practicing it thoroughly, and applying it correctly. As for self defense, all of the legitimate and recognized systems have viable techniques and tactics that could work for real self defense. It is never a valid question to pit one system against another because sport rules usually favor one or the other depending on rules applied, and this has nothing to do with the real-life application of any of the arts.

In a real fight, the system does not win or loose. It is up to the individual to have been taught correctly, practiced to a point of excellence, and then applied in an ideal fashion. With the enlightened knowledge of any authentic Martial Art system, a Master knows that there is no superior art, and any two masters facing each other are typically wise enough never to fight - so the genuine arts of the master's are never contested in this way. The only one who would make a move on a highly skilled Master is either a fool, or a Master with a bad attitude - - in which case the one with the bad attitude and lack of self control is not a true Martial Artist. Being the aggressor, they place themselves at a greater risk of defeat.

It is a common philosophy among Martial Art Masters that when two tigers fight, onelimpsaway severely wounded, and the other one is killed. Either way, neither wins since the one that survives will likely soon die either from not being able to hunt, or from not being able tofight as well against the next tiger due to his injuries.

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